If you have a valid coupon you can apply it to the cart now
I recommend checking the Facebook and Instagram pages post to see about any sales and discounts that I may be currently having right now. If you are a member and have an account be sure to check your emails for any special codes I might have offered to you for being a valued customer.
Here are some codes that I always have available to use
For my Hemp Lotion if you buy 2 or more and the discount is not automatically applied to the cart
use the code angryanimal10%
If you are Local (Savannah GA and Pembroke GA Area ) and what to schedule a pickup/drop-off location
Use the code LocalDropoff
If you have not already created at My Account I highly recommend it so you could not only receive special codes but you would also get notifications about current sales, discounts, and newest products I have available.
I truly appreciate you for buying and using my products. If this will be your first-time placing an order and trying my products I want to say Thank you so much. Remember to leave a review/feedback on the items you purchased from me. I hope you are having a blessed day and I pray that you are recommending my products to people you know and come back to order some more of my products again.